2010年5月13日 星期四

Ginger Monkey

I am Tom Lane, born and raised in a small rural town known as the Shire by the locals (no seriously), and now, after a long and arduous journey, living 60 miles down the road in Bristol with my wife to be.

I design, illustrate and make things.10 years ago I caught a bug, an insatiable need to create, a need to get better at creating. I've been chasing the sense of achievement that comes from putting an idea down, seeing it grow, take shape, and have it exist 'out there'. I'm one of those lucky people that make a living doing what they love.

Shortly after graduating from the University of the West England I embarked on a freelance career that quickly developed into a specialist design, typography, and illustration service - working mainly with clients in Bristol. Overtime, with many new projects, the mighty power of the interweb, and a good dollop of help from the press, I built my profile and began working with lots of lovely people from all sorts of places around the world. My clients usually come from the arts & media, advertising, publishing and
social sectors.

My style is varied. My approach to a project is determined by my understanding of its needs and is not a
default setting.

When I'm rarely not making things I like to keep healthy, play with gadgets, get outside, or simply keep distracted long enough to get some rest.



2010年5月5日 星期三

Diana Hsu Ping

Salute to 陸國賢x10




Wayne Thompson/Australia

A Toy of Typography

來自日本 DAINIPPON TYPE ORGANIZATION 的設計,看似簡單的實體的積木英文單字,但是經過重組排列組合竟然成了同樣意義的中文字型,再將這些積木打亂重組還可以演變成該單字的意義圖像,這樣的玩具應該能刺激相當的腦內開發吧!是不是也很想買一組來玩玩看呢!


Ali Vazirian

Ali Vazirian

Iran Graphic Design: Ali Varian

來自保加利亞的字體設計----mihail mihaylov

米哈伊爾 Mihaylov
Funkadelic! There is some serious soul in this typeface from Bulgaria-based designer Mihail Mihaylov. I’m such a sucker for bold type — I love the juicy, drippy, saturated feel of these letters. I can’t quite tell if the type is sprouting, or three-dimensional, or both.

In addition to Funkadelic, Mihail’s other work shows a nice combination of experimentation and style. I love the textural, hands-on feel of the Quotes alphabet studies, and the subsequent large-scale “E” poster. Really fun work.

His portfolio has a lot of personality and life to it. I would love to see some of these pieces as larger screen- or letterpress prints.
Check out personal site. You can see more of Mihail’s work over at his Flickr and Behance sites as well.


Personal project.個人項目。 January 2009 2009年1月

碎片整理/Personal project.個人項目。 May 2009 2009年5月



在 2007 年,我已經在藝術的國立學院畢業,主修 Book Design & Illustration 。之後,我一直在當地最大的廣告代理商之一中擔任一位平面設計師/藝術指導者。 作為一個自由的藝術家,我為雜誌和報紙做說明,用其他的藝術家和個人的計畫合作。

根據當今的審美觀(美學),我喜歡做minimalistic graphic design、玩字型、顏色和形狀,我沒有偏好特定的明確風格,較喜歡為了發現對的視覺語言所表達的訊息而作一些實驗。




來自匈牙利的設計師Aron Jancso

WKU Tournées French Film Festival

Logotypes and lettering 2009 on the Behance Network

