2010年5月5日 星期三

來自保加利亞的字體設計----mihail mihaylov

米哈伊爾 Mihaylov
Funkadelic! There is some serious soul in this typeface from Bulgaria-based designer Mihail Mihaylov. I’m such a sucker for bold type — I love the juicy, drippy, saturated feel of these letters. I can’t quite tell if the type is sprouting, or three-dimensional, or both.

In addition to Funkadelic, Mihail’s other work shows a nice combination of experimentation and style. I love the textural, hands-on feel of the Quotes alphabet studies, and the subsequent large-scale “E” poster. Really fun work.

His portfolio has a lot of personality and life to it. I would love to see some of these pieces as larger screen- or letterpress prints.
Check out personal site. You can see more of Mihail’s work over at his Flickr and Behance sites as well.


Personal project.個人項目。 January 2009 2009年1月

碎片整理/Personal project.個人項目。 May 2009 2009年5月



在 2007 年,我已經在藝術的國立學院畢業,主修 Book Design & Illustration 。之後,我一直在當地最大的廣告代理商之一中擔任一位平面設計師/藝術指導者。 作為一個自由的藝術家,我為雜誌和報紙做說明,用其他的藝術家和個人的計畫合作。

根據當今的審美觀(美學),我喜歡做minimalistic graphic design、玩字型、顏色和形狀,我沒有偏好特定的明確風格,較喜歡為了發現對的視覺語言所表達的訊息而作一些實驗。



