2010年3月24日 星期三

北京的設計師 Nod Young

Nod Young has a carved a niche in the realm of enterprises looking to make their marks both within and beyond China.

As the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Khaki Creative &Design,Nod leads a team of multicultural artists and designers that uses clean and strong visuals to fulfill diverse mark eting strategies.

At the same time,Nod has helpd to create an environment that fosters creative ideas both for himself and his team.

Based inBeijing,Nod is a prolific artist whose passion lies in typography and graphic design,and draws his inspiration from a myriad, although he is most found of designs originating from the UK and Japan.

Spurring from this passion,Nod is constantly working to create designs that overcome the rules and boundaries of common perception.

Having nearly a decade of experience,Nod has drawn wide praise for his work has exhibited around the world ,from Europe and the US to Asia.

Nod's unique position has also allowed him to push the boundaries of creativity in China,a country in which art and design are still in their nascent stages of development.

His hope is to see a world where every person will appreciate and demand great creativity and design in every aspect of life.

1. The Puti Trees
這是出自《六祖壇經》中有兩個禪宗非常著名的對話,相信大家都不陌生,大師兄神秀禪師『身是菩提樹,心如明鏡臺。時時勤拂拭,勿使惹塵埃。』而六祖慧能更展現了截然不同的境地『菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非臺;本來無一物, 何處惹塵埃。』北京的設計師 Nod Young將文字意境轉化成圖像思考,而設計出饒富意味的 Typography!

在 Nod Young的部落格 說到:『搬離了鬧市的臨時寓所,回到溫暖的城外的家,可以跟心愛的人喝湯,可以跟貓咪嬉戲,可以逃離生意的紛擾,可以安靜一下享受暖陽與聆聽心靈的聲音。梳理慌亂,也許要做的只是回歸自然和拾回自我。』而節錄心經中這段『無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法』成了創作。
Nod Young 的設計風格獨具,並熱衷於字體和圖形設計,他說,他的靈感來源於無數的辛勤投入

他的工作室 Khaki Creative & Design http://www.khakicreative.com/index.php

個人網站 http://www.behance.net/NodYoung


